Dissolved Gas Analysis in Transformer Oil GC Model DGA II
The most common problem of this complex gas mixture analysis is the separation of the mixture of H2, O2, CO and CO2 without requiring multiple injections and analyses (complexity recorded even by ASTM). The Mayura Analytical GC Model DGA-II has proved to be the most economical solution for the analysis of H2, O2, N2, CO, CO2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4 and C2H6 mixture using a single injection technique. The column switching mechanism has ensured that the analysis to detect very low to very high PPM levels can be achieved at the press of a button on the sample injection. This GC can be used with the Dissolved Gas Extractor unit and High Purity Gas Generators (Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Zero Air).
Sample applications:
One of the critical elements during power generation is the maintenance of transformers. The determination of dissolved gases in this transformer oil is highly critical to ensure efficient operations. Our Dissolved Gas Chromatograph Model DGA II has helped customers within this sector characterise transformer oil, which is a crucial step in understanding the efficiency of the transformer. This is essential to ensure that the transformer does not catch fire and explode.
Key features:
Single injection and dual analysis
TCD and FID analysis in one injection
Built-in auto column selector
Built-in Methanator
Simultaneous TCD and FID analysis
Auto data collection
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